I checked on ALMA 1 last week after a storm had passed and found that the solar panel had flipped over and was almost torn off and the whole thing had moved about 10 meters, it must have been a good storm. Plus I had no algae growth so time for plan B or was this plan C? But there was plenty of algae on the anchor lines, so I know it will grow give the right condition.
I decided that epoxy resin to be the best choice for the adhesive for securing cloth to the surface of the cylinders, so picked up a quart and hardener from West Marine. I got the 206, which is slow cure, because I wasn't sure what kind of time was needed to coat the cylinder and spread the cloth. The stuff is easy to work with but gets HOT and melted the clear plastic cup I was using. But the resin remained working for too long and the cloth slid and separated from the cylinder before it became tacky. So I tried again , this time letting it get tacky before I applied the cloth. But this was equally a failure. So I tried new cloth and polyester resin I have used before for fiberglass work, with faster cure rate. This worked great, resin spread great and I got just a few minutes of working time before the resin was out of working consistency. And the polyester resin is much cheaper that the epoxy resin. So I need to secure the solar panel and cover the other cylinder and I can get this back into the lake.